More on energy and how it works with your chakras and your inner self.
Its important to understand how energy and chakras work within yourself.
For instance we have 7 chakras which are the foundation to our aura and energy alignment.
For instance lets say I wanted to attack you and your life. Firstly I would try and penetrate your aura, then your mental state, also your emotional state. The aim and point is to throw you off your alignment so that you vibrate low, an example of this is being demotivated and depressive.
As soon as you vibrate low your easy access because guides dont dwell in low vibrational states, only low vibrating entities and dark energy dwell in low vibrational state. This causing your guides to shift from you and your aura and energy leaving you to be vulnerable and accessible. Then here follows loosing your luck, your job, troubles in relationships, business' and so forth basically experiencing an unfortunate series of events.
Thats why its important to always practice spiritual well-being.
In spirituality the first tip and what needs to be understood is that spirituality is not limited, no matter which background you come from and that defence is the best mechanism and prevention.
Another tip is that dont start when things are bad or starting to get bad, do it when thungs are good regularly maintin your aura and energy. For example you just got a job and things are looking good that when you build up to a high level of self and build a good defence not when it start to get toxic at work.
One of the best tools to use in this regard is the Ember Protect Aura Salt, Ember Protect Intent candle. Ember Purify Aura Salt, Ember Purify Intent candle, Ember Luck Intent candle and the Ember Luck Aura Salt. Its best to use them atleast once a week, if your too busy atleast once a month, to help renew, protect and revive your energy and aura.
Our products are versitile and aid in spiritual maintenace and well-being.
Ember connect intent candle and energy
Aaah this candle is one of my favorites, truly speaking they all are... well, with this candle I would say its more on a deeper level, if you have specific questions, need answers and clarity from your guides this is the right intent candle to bring about the right energy and connection to your higher self, connect on a deeper level with your guides which are your guardian angels.
Perhaps you are dreaming but your dreams fade as soon as you open your eyes, perhaps the channel to connect with your guides is blocked or disturbed, maybe you need clarity and in depth understanding about your dreams, then this is the right tool to achieve that. Remember we earlier on spoke about energy. This candle creates an atmosphere and energy to make it easy to connect to your guides through meditation and prayer.
You might have a request and feel like your not getting through to your guides or the connection is weak, this candle helps set the tone within yourself and around you to open that strong energy connection towards your guides. Remember its to aid in spiritual growth and gain the necessary spiritual insight such as strong discernment and strong intuition. How would one use this candle?
The best times to use it is from a minimum of 3 to 7 days on a set specific time, 3 in the am or 6 0clock in the evening set your questions and intentions remember in spirituality answers come in different forms and different times that's why in manifestation its important to release control and have patience. this is just one of the few ways one can use this candle, it can also be used when going to meditate, manifest and phahla and pray in nature.
Love and Light!
More on energy and Ember Shield.
Ember shield is good for creating a barrier energy shield, it can be lit in the house at the end and beginning of each month, this aids in creating an energy protection field. It can also be lit and used when one is in a spiritual war or attack. Its good to also have when there are children or new borns in the house to help protect their energy and aura.
How to use it is to just light it affirm and pray.
Here are some affirmations one could apply whilst using the protection Ember candle.
I am surrounded by protective light safe and secure, my energy is shielded from negativity and harm, I ground myself in stability and calmness, I release all fear, embracing peace and protection, my aura is strong, resilient and impenetrable.
One can also use it whilst taking a bath in combination with Ember Shield Aura Salt.
Prevention is always better than cure!!!
Love and light.
Those will surely come in handy as one often doesn’t know what to say when coming to manifesting.
Also read somewhere hore you said, To Manifest , To Release control and then To be Patient….👌🏽in that order..,,,!!!!!’
Everything is energy from plants, the sky, animals and human beings. Energy is the source of all living things. Often wonder why when one is targeted the first thing that is hit is their energy and aura because attacking the source eliminates ones power.
I'm often asked what kind of healer am I, what kind of healing do i specialize in.
I specialize in energy, aura and manifestation, I specialize in alignment of msamo as they call it traditionaly, I specialize in balancing chakras so that the higher self may reach its optimum permitting ones guides which are their gaurdian angels to be able to access their children and in turn their children to be able to access their gaurdian angels with ease and understanding.
I specialise in tapping into the spiritual realm when need be some may call it mediumship.
Im not one for labels because in my experience of this healing journey I learned that most things are interlinked connected and universal no matter the source of it, yet in the same breath i know which category or better yet task and path I am assigned to. In saying that i respect all and understand that spirituality is not limited!!!
What makes my candles special or unique, different kinds of blends specifically go into every candle, aura salts and bath fizzes, targeting spiritual, physical, mental and emotional intent that needs assistance to be reached with every use. This aids and eases the goal of physical fruition and manifesting.
Spirituality embodies alot of symbolism, for instance a candle embodies opening up spiritual path ways, the wax symbolises the element of earth, the flame element of fire, the affirmations the element of air and added to it the element of water when a glass or a bowl of water is put beside the candle. This calls on and represents all four corners of the world, every corner has its gaurdian angel so this evokes good energy and power from all four gaurdian angels on different spectrums.
Inclusive of other chakras i included special blends to target all chakras so that their in balance harmonised and open new better pathways.
Theres alot i could go deeper, but i am going to make an example with the protection ember candles, here one calls on the energy of protection and its guardian angels, one can put each ember protection candle on all 4 corners of the yard affirm and intend the goal of protection. This repels negative energy and negative target energy spears.
I will often go into the depth of my products and the spirituality around it.